Sunday, February 23, 2025

I Am Covered

O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my head in the day of battle.  Psa 140:7 

Most of us know the triumphant story of David and Goliath. Goliath was a 9 ft 9 inch giant that taunted the children of Israel for 40 days. Along comes this ruddy kid whose war experience was limited to defending sheep against lions and bears. He didn’t know anything about battle armor or weapons. So, David showed up to a battle against an experienced giant with a bag of rocks. As the story goes, David triumphed over Goliath with a slingshot, a stone and the Name of the Lord.

Interestingly, Goliath was wearing a helmet. The bible says he had on a brass helmet (1Sam17:5). He should have been protected, especially against an inexperienced lad that was ill-equipped for battle. But the thing where he placed his confidence failed to protect him where he was most vulnerable, his head. This left him susceptible to defeat and destruction. But it’s not so with believers. The believer is covered.

Today’s confession:

The Lord has promised that I am covered in the most vulnerable places at the most vulnerable time of my life. As in a battle, when life is topsy-turvy, emotions are high, and things are uncertain, I am covered. The places where I most fear damage and destruction, I am covered. Though destruction may be all around me, it will not come near me. I Am Covered

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko:

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